1WebCalendar v2.5 April 2002 Benson IT Solutions, Inc. Benson IT Solutions, Inc. is referred to as "Seller". Person buying the application is referred to as "user" or "you" TERMS OF USE You may use this application on ONE server for ONE application, ie ONE School calendar, or ONE event scheduler. You AGREE TO NOT redistribute this UNENCRYPTED application to others. Preserving the data stored in the 1WebCalendar application is the responsibility of the user and the user agrees to NOT hold the seller responsible for any data loss or system problems. The unencrypted version WILL WORK in its original format, (TESTED on NT IIS 4.0 CF 4.x with IE 5.x) but you could cause it to stop working if you change the code so keep a copy of the original download. If you need another copy because yours is broken (you changed it and did not keep a original) email me and I will send one out to you (must be same email that paid for it). Please refer other interested parties to this web page, www.bensonitsolutions.com, or to the http://www.allaire.com/developer/gallery page for information on cold fusion, custom tags and the 1WebCalendar application. The 1WebCalendar system is designed to provide easy web scheduling of multiple calendar events. This app is distributed OPEN SOURCE so you can custimize the look and feel to fit in with your site. So please no comments on the lack of a colorful GUI, it was designed this way so each purchaser can custimize it to your needs. Please adhear to the terms of use you agreed to on purchase. If you like the system and want to use it for more the one app you can upgrade! Forward any comments/questions or changes you wish to submit to: info@bensonitsolutions.com or fsugrad@hotmail.com Thank you for your purchase!!